
For World Problems - My Views,My Opinions and My Solutions

Hello Everyone! If you are my Facebook Friend, Follower, and Fan. If you aren't following me on

 you are missing out on my utmost important passion project. 

When we see a book - we judge it by its cover. I really wanted to bring to your attention that the sweat, blood, and toil which goes through writing a book can only be understood by a writer. Just like when we watch 2 hours or 3 hours of movie we do not see hundreds and thousands men hours it took to be made. 

After being a Writer Since 2012 - they say it is solitary work and really meeting the Writer's Community in 2015. 

After writing 2 books and still only having the courage to say I am a bonafide "Writer" and an Upcoming Author...just about!

As I could just stick it on Amazon but I like to do things the traditional way! and break some rules in the process.

As all Good Things come from America...Even Trump My Friend from America told me to do

 and that's how I found people with ideas.

As you might already know I love to challenge myself every November- a gigantic task of writing 50,000 words in 30 days. 

It is called the Nanowrimo Competition. It is very popular among the writer's community. If you also want to join please go to

You can Buddy Up with me

I have also made a Writer's Group from Stretham South London where I will be specifically sharing my writing journey. Daily Inspiration, perhaps Word Count, etc.

I am not naming things but another place I am really fond of Isle of Wright and a Radio Station has helped me to name a Character - a really important one.

I am really fond of Streatham as it is my little village for Globalists like me. Ask me away questions about it or catch us at local Write Together Meetups. 

Amazing Streatham Free Film Festival, Streatham Food Festival, Streatham Big Little Peace Event, etc. 

I also like its proximity to Brixton with David Bowie and such. 

I used to conduct a FREE Write Together Meetup Group where the format was to write for 2 hours and spend the last half an hour or 45 minutes asking questions. 

Due to the 2nd lockdown COVID, we had to stop, unfortunately. Watch out for this space!

To find local Writ Together Meetup Events if you are not near Streatham. Please check it out! and there will be one near you.

Thus my journey from being a Writer to an Author has begun. After being last year in 2019 to agents events...They are in London but they are in Secret Places and definitely have Secret Handshake  

which I need to master and lots of events to hone my craft as a Writer.

I am lucky enough to also have been able to get a Membership in the Romantic Novelists Association which is also another Community I am very fond of. 

It was a Dream Come True for me despite COVID-19 I had a Virtual Conference with Mills and Boons. From my dear avid Mills and Boons

friend reader with whom I had email correspondence. She had seen the potential that my ideas and stories were of jet-setting young female protagonists. ( I am still wondering how I ended up taking such a gigantic work. ) Not that my style of writing would ever fit in their criteria are willing to change some of the Rules of their books. 

A recent shout-out on Twitter has definitely made me really happy and it is an Achievement.  

To my Future Reader and Review, you perhaps might think it is completely shite and confusing! They are not grammatically correct.

I test your patience and you have no place for a puzzle. 

I am just a girl who is trying to tell A Story. 

If a picture was worth thousands of words. It hides them.

I have seen thousands of pictures to put them in hundreds of words. 

I planned to write 1 book and now it is 4. As I write one book, edit one and do a million other things! I don't want to disappoint. 

If a picture was worth thousands of words. It hides them. Author ( Hard Way - Long Way - Difficult Way!) Who knows? You might be inspired to write your story!

Image result for coronavirus uk

After being criticized for a slow response to SARS, China is once again facing global scrutiny for its handling of the new coronavirus.

By the time the global SARS outbreak was contained, the virus spread to over 8,000 people worldwide and killed almost 800.

The new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, which causes the disease COVID-19, has already surpassed the 2003 SARS outbreak.

When the whole world had gone into lockdown, the UK decided to do a herd immunity strategy.

The UK was criticized by the world over and how risky that Strategy was. No doubt about it.

Even the Chinese Experts were not happy with how the UK was dealing with the situation. What people do not realize is that there are some Cultural Issues that make the UK a completely different nation.

Let's Compare it with Other Countries in the world

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1. Self-imposed Self Isolation: When every day in this country people behave like other people walking around as if it is 28 Days Later or Walking Dead. In the UK, most people are already living in Isolation. People usually do not talk to each other rather freely, they do not wish anyone "Good Day" or " Have a nice day!" or do not stand and loiter like some people from Asians Countries. Some more liberal countries like Brazil or France would be kissing on the cheeks whereas in the UK people do not. It happens but it isn't a common greeting.

It is very common when one person is on one side of the road and when they see another they would move away on the other side of the road.

People in the UK wouldn't die more with Coronavirus but definitely due to Boredom, Mental Health, and Isolation.

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2. Civic Sense: I hate to say this but in some countries, people would spit on the road, and throw things on the road, Toilets are hard to find or if any they are dirty.

Even without Corona Virus Cafes and Restaurants are expected to clean it every 2 hours or at least check them. This has increased to every hour plus cleaning of handles, gates and surfaces.

Even per capita, the UK has more toilets than some of these big Asian Countries like India and China.

It is UK law that if you are serving food you should have Toilet facilities. In the London UK also have cases of people pissing on the road and they have night toilets for these drunk people.

Most people in the UK are very Self-responsible and Independent.

3. Gradual Shutdown v/s Severe Shutdown: The UK went to a gradual shutdown rather than a severe lockdown immediately. Some might argue it might be too late.

1) The UK asked people not to go to Hospitals and GP Services - This helped them not to overwhelm their NHS hospitals and systems.

2) Medical Professionals and Boris Johnson ask people to do hand washing and sing Happy Birthday!

3) The government asked Older People above 70 to stay at home, Diabetic and Asthma Patients.

4) The government asked Sporting Events to be Open as they were going for herd immunity.

5) The government asked people to Work From Home if you can do your work from home.

6) The government next asked people not to go to the Pub, Restaurants, and Gyms. Wetherspoons was open. The Herd Immunity strategy was discontinued because cases were high in numbers.

7) The cinema closes on its own

8) The government only closed schools on 20/03/2020.

9) Supermarkets advise people to only buy 3 items of the same thing thus stopping panic buying.

10) The UK can turn it around in 12 weeks.

11) The government officially asked on 20/03/2020 for the following to stop working.

-Food & drink venues

-Pubs, bars and clubs

-Cinemas, theatres, concert and bingo halls

-Spas, indoor leisure and gyms

-Casinos & betting shops

-Museums & galleries

12) Supermarkets have open hours for the elderly and vulnerable in the morning.

13) The UK is going to now further lockdown.

Criticism 1: Sporting Events being not cancelled: All Men in the UK love their Football and also are very passionate about their Football Clubs. The government didn't want to anger that segment.


In the UK all big events were being cancelled even before the Government officials had asked to cancel. No Football match was left to see.

Criticism 2: Old people at Pubs and Wetherspoons: Old people who didn't have anywhere to go in their day-to-day life still went to Wetherspoons. Maybe some people in their 40s and 50s still went out but might be looking old because of their drinking habits.

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Criticism 3: Why are Schools closed so late? 

Many people criticized why schools were closed so late when offices were asked to close and GP services were working minimum.

Schools that had coronavirus had already shut down their school.

Many Teenagers weren't sure whether to study or not and became confused and didn't want to take their exams. This has been sorted by exams being cancelled.

Number 1 reason is that Childcare in the UK is very much dependent on the outsider. In countries like China and India, some might have grandparents' support or even neighbour's support. Childcare is solely dependent on outsiders like Nanny, Aupair, Childminder, Babysitter, Nursery or School.

I also believe that there would be more deaths of husband, wife, and children if they were to spend lots of time together and also have stressed to earn money.

Number 2  In some countries like China where we hear that children are left on their own while parents work. This would have been completely not done in the UK where child abuse is treated extremely seriously. Where little bit of problem is reported by Childline.

Number 3 Some of the parents were working on very special jobs like in Hospital, Education and Police. Today when schools are closed they are on the basis where parents working in those sorts of jobs their children would be still sent to school so that their parents can work and help the country.

Number 4 UK is a highly ambitious and economically driven Country. People are measured on their ability to make money. Where women are asked to work or at least feel pressured to make money as soon as they have given birth. Where Maternity Leave has increased in my generation. There is absolutely no value given to Stay at Home or Work At Home Mums.

Number 5 Taking care of children is a thankless job in the UK. It is very hard to cope in the UK as there are only parents taking care of them. There is no monetary value in raising your child. Men do not feel that they should be providing for their Wives and Kids. People have only recently started being ok with taking a little break and taking care of their children because they have got some support from the Government. How people would pay their rent and bills is being sorted especially by Rishi Sunak currently as I write this TV is buzzing with all the people wanting to acquire Benefits and Salaries.

I believe that school has been opened until they can and are being closed on the right day.

Now it is to see how long people can work at home with their kids without killing each other.

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Criticism 4: UK Border had no extra checking like India.

As before the UK already have extremely strict Border Control. They already have that in a place where in the UK people come it is paperless. There is a chip on the passport - it has your photo and biometrics. Also, the amount of people coming to India is any day larger than coming to the UK.

As far as I see the UK is always in Self Quarantine all the time! 

What good has happened is that people have started Volunteering and Offering help to each other.

The biggest question is Do I agree with it all?

I actually for one think that all the Global World Leaders are doing their best. 

The less we criticize better it is. Let people get on doing the right things and keep an eye on the BIG Picture! 

Appreciate what we had when people in Wuhan or even Beijing were questioning whether they were going to be alive. We were busy thinking about where are we going for a Holiday.

"How to know if a relationship is just a Fling?"

This is a question that was asked to me when I was in a restaurant with other 3 Women and we were just discussing relationships.  This question has come again to me.

Their question was even harder than they wanted to know how can we know even before having sex? As these women didn't want to have a disappointing morning after sex.

I am going to write this article Before Having Sex and After Sex.

If sex or your virginity is important to you.

Before Having Sex: 

1. Where are you? Are you in a Club dancing, Summer Holiday, Christmas Office Party, Nude Beach, University Campus, etc? Are you meeting someone on Tinder? ;-) Where you meet someone is important as there are places where having sex or being touchy-feely is sort of permitted or expected. Where booze and alcohol are flowing and it is just natural for people to have casual sex or get flirty.

2. Is it just hugely Physical? Intellectual? Personality?: They are coming on really strong physically and they basically would hit whatever moves. Or Whether they are genuinely interested. Do they have roaming eyes for others in the room when you are away? All they are interested to talking about their or your physical attributes.

3. Are you attracted to them enough?Why are you there? Are you there because you are lonely or had nothing to do on Saturday night and you tagged along with your friends? Your person of interest are you interested in them? Would you be attracted to them in different circumstances like less drunk, less lonely or desperate? Are you attracted to them by how they look, how they talk, how they dress, etc? or their personality, their abilities, and their dreams?

4. Prolong your relationship:  If you are meeting online or in person - Is your talk more about sex and very focussed on telling you how many times they masturbate or they are really naughty and need whipping? If you were a booty call and you weren't satisfying them they would probably look for somebody. You might come across as a "teasebut better safe than sorry.

5. Can you say "No"?: Nothing is sometimes more attractive than saying NO. Would they be ok just hand-holding and just giving you a hug or a kiss? If you aren't feeling it and if you got up while having sex would they be ok? Are you feeling pressurized or able to tell them how it is?

6. Do you trust them enough to know they are clean?  It would be impossible to know whether they have any disease but are you both ok with having sex with condoms? Your health is important and it would be impossible to know whether someone doesn't have any disease unless they bought their HIV-negative Certificate. 

7. Is this the person with whom you don't mind losing your virginity or having sex? : This is the most important million-dollar question.  The risk is that it can still all be a big drama for someone to get inside your pants or even if you had a short-term relationship once you had sex your situationship is over. What do you do? You can do nothing but you need to ask this question that is the person with whom you don't mind losing your virginity or having sex and remembering just like that?

After having Sex 

Some Men and Women find it useful to know that they are sexually compatible. To have sex in a relationship or even start with strong sex-focused doesn't always mean it is a fling. Because fling can sometimes turn into a relationship. Some of these answers are the same as Before having Sex.

1. Are they attracted to you enough? Do they just see you as dead - meat or they are genuinely concerned about you? Are they attracted to you in different ways? Physically, Mentally, Spiritually and Intellectually.

2. How do you both communicate:  Do they ghost you or breadcrumb you? Or do you do the same thing?

Or do you talk to him when you are bored and lonely? You are talking to lots of different other suitors?

Is this person for you an option or "the one"? Do you both talk about the good, bad and worse? Are you both vulnerable open and honest?

3. Are they available?This one is common sense! but sometimes so lost. People are sometimes in a relationship with a person- when they have a mistress... and mistress can be wife, partner, career, work or money, emotionally unavailable person, etc. To be in a relationship involves a person having an open heart and time availability.

4. Do they respect you?Are they honest enough to tell you how they feel? Do they respect you and cherish your company rather than complaining? They are sort of proud of who you are.

5. Are you in a relationship like you want? :  In this modern world, a relationship can take many different shapes. Some are with benefits ;-). Some are rebound. Some are long-distance, Some are based on sex, Some are based on money, Some are just something on the side, etc. Do you both like the shape of your relationship taking place? Do you spend enough time with each other? Are you always complaining about what can't be changed?

6. Do you both have the same values?Are you Republican and he is Democratic? He is a Soccer Fan and you are a Baseball Fan? Do you like Marmite or Peanut Jelly Butter? You get my drift...

Can you tolerate those differences? You don't have to be what they are but can you both agree to disagree?

The next one is very important for a successful relationship.

7. Do they inspire you and support your dreams?Life is a journey in which you can go alone faster but when you are getting a company you are planning to go further. You are looking for a partner who is as chuffed as you are for all the things you do, want to do or achieve. When you have a conversation about your dreams they aren't there always there to bust your bubble but to help you to achieve those dreams along with you.


8. Do you see the future with them?: I am not talking about on the first date you want to have someone's million kids or get married. But marriage and kids sort of conversation just happens naturally and without anyone being scared. It should never be problematic to think of  " What kind of Car or House they would like ?", "What kind of wedding you would like?"," Whether someone would be good as a Father or Mother, etc?"

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