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6 Things to Stop Being Needy and Clingy in a Relationship?

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1. Know or Judge what the other person needs: One of the key things to look at, if one doesn't become needy and clingy in the initial phase, is to be aware of how much you and your potential partner want to spend time together. That means having some sort of conversation directly or gradually observing your other half. Different people are different in terms of how much time they want to spend time together. It depends also lot on knowing where your relationship might be heading. Are you just a casual friend whom you are happy seeing once every 3 months? Are you more of a girlfriend and boyfriend who would like to spend time together initially to get to know each other? 

2. Know that your relationship will change:  Relationships can be like waves. Somebody would need more emotional support when they had a bad day at work, somebody died, got laid off, etc. While some people would like to spend more time when the crisis hits. Some would rather spend time alone. Relationships in the beginning can be like every waking moment I want to be with you to ok we have some trust and we are ok being a bit separate. Always see what other people want and listen to their needs.

3. Have a hobby, friends and life without that person:  It is very easy not to put someone on a pedestal if you have hit right off especially when you think that this person might be the One. Have a life without that person. Go for dinner or lunches alone or even in the Cinema. Yes alone. It might be boring but enjoying your own company is crucial. If you can't bear yourself how would others do? Also have different people in your life like friends, mentors, therapists, coaches and parents. Avoid one person to be everything of you. As you would be highly disappointed when you realise they aren't that great. It would also be very exhausting for them to be all of the people you need. 

4. Do not expect instant gratification:  People are busy despite it hardly takes a few minutes to answer a text. Some people find it very difficult to write a few things and sometimes get paralysed while communicating on apps, Twitter or Facebook. Wait for sufficient time before communicating again. Have a maximum number before you contact them. 

5. They aren't into you as much as you are: This is a hard truth sometimes you aren't their priority. Maybe it can be the wrong time in their life. They are just not that much into you. You can't please everyone. Sometimes people would not like someone for irrational reasons. You weren't tall enough, you reminded them of their ex....etc. There can be many reasons.

6. Don't take it personally: It can feel heartbreaking when anyone doesn't see you the same as you see them to be. Sometimes you hit it and both are the same wavelength and later it fizzles off. They realise something about you wasn't their value. They think they wouldn't fit in your world. You both are in different worlds. It is best to do as much to keep in touch but be detached from the outcome. 

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