It seems everyone is talking about fitness and it has become the latest new trend.
When people who were chubby or round at the edges were considered wealthy.
Gone are those days but new days are revenge by skinny people.
It might seem they are having the last laugh.
Most women are of shape. Pear Shape, Apple Shape, Hourglass Shape, etc.
Even though I think is so pathetic that women are classified that way.
Some people think after seeing my recent photos that I need to do some as if they know my lifestyle already. I thanked for pointing this out as I am not always aware of my flaws and I can understand the well intention of well-meaning people doing that. I am not Size 0 and never claim to be.
The whole point of my photos I post is to inspire mothers like me who go to the gym after having babies.
Can not think of being in their swimsuits. I like to eat 3 meals and I like to sleep. I do not agree with calorie counting, sugar and carb intake and those who feel constant societal pressure to preserve the body they had in their 20s. It is unrealistic to sustain and I have no problem with people who can.
It is really inspiring to hear weight loss stories but the way things are heading is too extreme where if you aren't going to the gym you aren't taking care of yourself. As I mentioned earlier I go to the gym, I just don't like to talk about it but now I have. I don't take selfies in my workout clothes or while I am working out. As I do not wish to be part of the fitness craze trend which says " Your body isn't good enough" or " You aren't beautiful enough".
We all know what we are supposed to do. We are daunted with a huge amount of media articles on what our ideal body weight should be and people who sell those products are taking people's insecurity and making money out of it. That is great too, somebody has to!
So here is the thing - I like fitness freaks. I like people who go to the gym, I like people who don't go to the gym, I like obese people, I like overweight people. I like slim people. I like fat people. I like people of ALL sizes and shapes.
BUT I hate people who make other people uncomfortable with what body they have.
I am sick and tired of a culture where everyone is expected to look at the below photos.
If you find my photo to be ugly then there are many more to come. You can have as much fun as possible or feel better about yourself. I would advise you to look away.
As at the end of the day god has given me what he has and I will do my best to keep it the best it can but I am not going to kill myself or stress myself out. I wouldn't hold anyone to unrealistic expectations especially me.
Sometimes what is the funniest thing is that Men especially those who are too fat or too skinny would look for women who are just average and try to put them down.
When women appreciate men for whatever their shape form or just for their personality.
I do not expect all men to look like famous film stars or models.
I am a woman of shape and if I am not your type, it is ok. I do not have a duty to this society to be skinny.
If you think I am ranting because I am uncomfortable with my body. NO!
I feel really strongly about this.
I am very happy with my weight and comfortable with my body and I would like others to feel the same.
I am just sick and tired of the culture of "Body Shaming" which says "You can never be too thin or too rich"
Being Fit and Healthy is one thing and expecting the whole society to look the same size is another.
People need to start considering what is realistic and what is not.
There are people who go through pregnancy, age, disease, genetically can't lose weight, lifestyle choice, or personal preference but they are still working on it. Everyone is working on Weight Loss or Weight Gain to look good because we all are caught in a Fitness Frenzy and Craze without questioning whether it is realistic to hold people to such standards.
I also feel that if people were wondering about whether I am exercising I also wonder if people who are genuinely overweight have any hope.
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