
For World Problems - My Views,My Opinions and My Solutions

Movie Review : La La Land - Ending Explained

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I recently met a wonderful girl and we had a wonderful conversation about writing. I sat in a room full of 100s of people and the person next to me was the only person I really needed to talk to on How writing helps and as usual I asked lots of questions.  I love her even though I have only seen her once and I look forward to seeing her work one day finished as I think it would really help a lot of people.

I am writing in response to this wonderful blog post

We both agree nothing happens by coincidence.

What is good about La La Land?

Apart from the obvious it is set in LA and it has lovely music dancing and singing.

La LaLand despite being shot in the most cheesy way and have over the top animation.

Real: The movie is real. In real life, most Love Stories do not have a happy ending.

American Dream: It also talks a lot about the reality of the life of an actress and pianist in Hollywood and the struggles they both had. Mia and Sebastian

Crossroads: It talks about crossroads in everyone's life and how making different choices would have let them live a different life. Despite I believe that you fight for things you REALLY want. I also feel that there are sometimes circumstances which are beyond our control. (a bit cowardly approach! which I don't agree with but sometimes shit

happens!) Everything happens for a reason! I don't see it that way always and I question so much but in the end, everything always makes sense.

Choices:  Despite Mia and Sebastian love each other they both could have made different choices and they both equally were selfish or career-driven. They both helped each other in their life whether Sebastian takes Mia to that acting audition or whether Mia tells Sebastian about the Jazz bar.

Amazing Ending: I would only see that movie all over again just for that movie ending. As much as we really want a happy ending sometimes reality isn't that happy.  It was sad that Mia and Sebastian couldn't be together but had they made different choices they would be in different situations, perhaps Sebastian would be driving her to some Jazz club and they would live happily ever after or they could have been really incompatible and ended up killing each other. Who knows?

Closure: It is essential for lovers to get closure to have that one correspondence, one sentiment and that one look. This isn't always possible as how ugly couples might have left or they find it overwhelming to give that closure due to various reasons.  Sometimes that's all relationship need and people need to move on. There is this one scene where Mia is horrified to see Sebastian after being a successful actress and having a husband and child. Seeing Sebastian in his own Jazz club but they both give each other one last look which says so much from "Everything is okay!", " You would be alright!" , " I am alright!"  I guess lots of couples got closure by relating with actors. Hopefully, lots of broken hearts got mended, healed or got closure and thus I think people liked this movie.

P.S: You wouldn't believe while I am writing this in a pub on TV  there is a song of La La Land. :-)

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